Registered Charity No. 1151118
COG is a Registered Company Limited by Guarantee. Company No.8376180
Who We Are....
Bolton Children's Opportunity Group (COG) is a local Registered Charity, whose aim is to provide a stepping stone between home and playgroup and/or nursery, for under 5s with disabilities and/or special educational needs. Over the years COG has become a leader in the field of inclusive provision for under 5s.
COG gives parents the chance to meet others with similar problems, so they can be of mutual support.
COG has two minibuses, offering a door to door service for families who would otherwise be unable to attend the group.
COG has input from a variety of outside agencies e.g. Physiotherapy, Speech Therapy, Health Visitors, Educational Psychologists.
COG is registered with Early Years OFSTED and is able to offer the 15 hours free education for 2, 3 & 4 year olds.
Who Benefits....
Subject to availability of places, any child from birth to school age, from anywhere within the Bolton Metropolitan Borough Area, or from outside the area if they have their own transport.
How We Are Funded....
COG is a parent run group and as such all monies for telephones, equipment, stationery, art materials, maintenance, and minibus costs etc, have to be met by fundraising by the parents or from voluntary contributions from the general public or other charitable organisations.
Since 2006 we had been in receipt of significant financial support from Bolton MBC, but since September 2016, due to austerity measures, most of this financial support has ceased and so we are even more reliant on donations and fundraising.
What We Do....
Monday to Friday Mornings................................... 9.00am - 12.00pm
Monday,Tuesday & Wednesday afternoons......... 12.15pm - 3.15pm
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday All day................... 9.00am - 3.00pm
All children have an Individual Learning Journey and are encouraged to take part in a variety of activities, with as much or as little support as is necessary, to enable each child to do as much as possible for themselves.
Children with Special Educational needs have an Individual Educational Plan which is designed to encourage the development of Personal & Social, Physical, Knowledge & Understanding of the World and Communication & Language Skills. The programmes are planned by their key person after discussions with their parents/carers and with other professionals.
All activities on offer are geared towards the attainment of the Early Years Foundation Stage at the end of their foundation year. Activities on offer during these sessions include sand and water play; painting and gluing; play dough and a variety of other mediums; puzzles, construction and maths areas. Imaginative play - house corner, dressing up, and outdoor play.