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Could you spare 3 hours of your time, to volunteer on a regular basis, to work with children with additional needs? 

If so why not contact us today either by phone on Tel: 01204 491085/841654 or email or click on the buttons below for more information about the role and to apply.


COG is an approved placement for students wanting work experience within the child-care field.  Most of the local secondary schools request placements with us.

Students on a variety of courses at local Colleges and Universities e.g. NVQ 2 & 3, B Tech, Foundation degrees in childcare or Social Care are also placed with us.

Medical students, student nurses, trainee health visitors and social workers also use the group to get valuable experience of working with children with special needs and their families.


We have an active parents fundraising group, but are always grateful for other individuals/groups to do fundraising for us. 

If you have an idea for raising funds please get in contact with us, we can supply sponsor forms and information for your supporters.

You can make donations or your supporters can make donations direct using these links




or by shopping on line. certain retailers will make a donation for any purchase you make if you are registered with "givingabit",

click here to register. 







Call us:

01204 491085

01204 841654

01204 848722

01204 848380

Find us: 

Lowndes St Nursery,

Lowndes St,



© 2013 BoltonCOG

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