Registered Charity No. 1151118
COG is a Registered Company Limited by Guarantee. Company No.8376180

Thursday 1.30pm to 3.00pm
The aim of the Baby/Toddler Sessions is to give parents/carers of babies, with and without special needs, support and help, by providing ideas on early physical and sensory stimulation. As the children get older they are introduced to a variety of play activities.
The sessions cater for children aged between birth and 2 years. In the term after they turn 2 children may be offered a place in the Inclusive Play Sessions.
Monday to Friday 10.15am - 11.00am
The aim of this session is to help the children chosen to participate, to accept a short routine, this includes using a pictorial timetable, which is a visual aid for children to see what they will be doing next. They will join a drama activity which helps to promote anticipation, turn taking and knowledge of body parts. The children will be given a little free time, when a range of toys will be on offer for the children to explore, during this time an adult may model play and/or join in the child's play if appropriate. The children will sit round the table to take part in a variety of activities which will change as the children move on in their learning. Activities will include Old MacDonald song with toy animals and a choice board, dear Zoo with animals, a short story, threading, turn taking with a jigsaw. The activities will extend in the length of time, and more activities will be introduced as and when the children are ready.
BLUE ROOM (High Needs Base)
Monday to Friday 9.00am to 12.00pm
Monday to Friday 12.30pm to 3.30pm
A small unit for children with Autistic Spectrum Conditions (ASC). Since September 2016 we have provided places for 8 children who attend either 5 mornings or 5 afternoons, Monday-Friday. Unfortunately, with the introduction of the 30 hrs free childcare this number may be reduced to 4 with the children attending from 9am – 3pm. The children work to a very structured programme of activities, using pictorial timetables and the Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) they join into the Inclusive Play Sessions for some activities.
This service is funded by Bolton MBC.

Children can start in the nursery, at any time during the term. COG is registered with OFSTED Early Years to provide extended day care for up to 30 children.
The current fees are £10 per morning/afternoon play session session and £4 per afternoon Mother & Baby Session, although we provide 15 hours Funded Education Places for qualifying 2 year olds and all 3 and 4 year olds. We are unable to offer 30 hrs free education for those who qualify, but can offer up to 24 hrs child care.
N.B. The times and fees may be subject to change

Children with profound/multiple disabilities, who have limited movement, are able to have some control over their environment. Rewards of positive interaction e.g. lighting effects, aroma-therapy, music and gentle vibration can be enjoyed by way of remote switches. Children with Autistic Spectrum Conditions (ASC) and challenging behaviours find the effects very soothing and relaxing. The use of the room is not exclusive to the children with special needs.

Monday & Tuesday and Thursday & Friday 9.00am to 3.00pm
Nurture Group is a small class of children, where a teacher and two early years practitioners, work with a small group of children who would benefit from extra help to settle; listen; concentrate; share and/or to make friends. Placement is for a limited time but currently there is also a minimum length of placement. The group allows children to learn early social skills in a more homely environment. Links with mainstream classes are maintained on a regular basis. Staff liaise with Educational Psychologists, parents/carers and other professionals when drawing up Individual Education Plans (IEPs) and Individual Behaviour Plans (IBP)
There is a charge to schools for this service.
(formerly Bolton Parent Partnership)
A community based, indepedent information and advisory service for parents and carers of children with special educational needs and disabilities, and young people up to the age of 25.
Bolton IAS offers continuity of help from an individually appointed advisor. The service is run by experienced advisors, some with first hand knowledge of the challenges encountered when raising children and young adults with special educational needs and disabilities.
Your advisor will be fully versed in all stages of the new Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP), which replaces the previous statements for SEN and the Learning Difficulty Assessments, and will be able to guide you through the new changes.
This service has been commissioned by Bolton MBC.
There is no charge for this service.
For more information tel: 01204 848722/848360
or visit
Providing one-to-one mentorship and support for young people, helping them with personal development and with re-establishing their confidence with those in authority.
Half day and full day sessions can be provided within school, for which the school is charged.
For more information contact Michael Hirst on 01204 848722